FT-D Firm Transportation - Delivery
Description of Service:
- Firm delivery service available at three mutually-exclusive groups of delivery locations (Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3).
- Group 1 delivery points are interconnection points with the major downstream pipeline systems (e.g. TC Energy Mainline, Foothills B.C., Foothills Saskatchewan, Spectra Energy Transmission and Alliance Pipeline L.P.).
- Group 2 delivery points are non-Group 1 delivery points where the shipper elects to contract for the standard service attributes.
- Group 3 delivery points are locations where the shipper elects to contract for a premium service which is offered at a premium price compared to service at Group 2 delivery points. Service at a Group 3 delivery location is available to any shipper provided that the shipper is the connecting pipeline operator for such Group 3 delivery location, is the only shipper at such location and is not entitled to any other service at such location.
Key Features and Benefits:
- High priority delivery service.
- FT-D has variable pricing dependent on length of term; one year but less than three years at 100%, three years but less than five at 95%, and five years or greater at 90%.
- Service is renewable, for a minimum term of one year.
- Renewal notification is required a minimum of one year prior to the service termination date.
- Eligible for Alternate Access provision which allows shippers to nominate the unutilized portion of their Group 1 or Group 2 FT-D service as IT-D during a month between and/or within Group 1 and Group 2 delivery locations on the system without incurring any additional charges. Alternate Access is managed as a billing charge in which each shipper’s delivery contracts and volumes (Group 1 & Group 2) are pooled together to maximize their FT-D delivery contracts before IT-D charges are applied.
- Transfers are allowed between and within Group 1 and Group 2 locations, and within Group 3 locations, subject to available capacity and only during secondary term.
How to Access this Service:
- Bid for service through a TC Energy held Open Season. Notices are posted on the TC Energy website and detail the capacity offered as well as the bidding process.
- Shipper must sign an FT-D Service Agreement for the accepted bid with TC Energy.
For Further Information
Contact your Marketing Representatives, or via any of the options listed below.
Please Note:
This service description is for informational purposes only. For more detailed descriptions, please review the NGTL System Tariff which provides complete detail and supersedes the information provided on this page.