FT - Daily

Canadian Mainline Daily Existing Capacity Open Season For FT, FT-NR, FT-SN

January 6, 2025

TransCanada's Canadian Mainline is currently posting this Open Season for the following firm transportation services: Firm Transportation Service ("FT"), Non-Renewable Firm Transportation Service ("FT-NR"), and Short Notice Firm Transportation ("FT-SN")(7).  TransCanada's available capacity is offered from receipt points specified in Tables 1 through 4. 

As a result of contract sales the Canadian Mainline is offering existing capacity as Non-Renewable Firm Transportation (“FT-NR”). Customers can contract for FT-NR for a minimum term of one year, or with annual increments, or in the case of FT-NR up to the FT-NR service termination date, as per Section 4.2 of the TAPs. See footnote 10 for FT-NR service termination dates.

This Open Season has been amended to reflect recent sales. The available capacity may vary for future start dates. Capacity may be re-evaluated and is subject to change. 

The Existing Capacity available is located in Tables 1 through 4 below. If you have any questions, please contact your Marketing Representative for more information.  


Table 1: Available Capacity(1)

Posted System Segments FT Capacity
Starting Next Day (GJ/d)
FT-NR Capacity
Starting Next Day (GJ/d)

Empress(3) to (Domestic)(4)

South Saskatchewan Delivery Area (SSDA) 0 0
Manitoba Delivery Area (MDA) 0 0
Western Delivery Area (WDA) 0 0 
Northern Delivery Area (NDA) 0 0 
Enbridge CDA 0 0 
Union ECDA 0 0 
Eastern Delivery Area (EDA)(6) 0 0
Eastern Delivery Area (Energir EDA) 0 0
Southwest Delivery Area (SWDA) 0 0

Empress(3) to  (Export)(4)

Emerson 1 0 0
Emerson 2 0 0


0 0


0 0


0 0
Napierville 0 0
Philipsburg 0 0
East Hereford 0 0


Table 2: Available Capacity(1)(2)


Posted System Segments

FT-NR Capacity
Starting Next Day (GJ/d)(10)
Iroquois to  
Enbridge EDA and Union EDA 19,567
Cornwall 19,567
Energir EDA 0
East Hereford, Napierville, and Philipsburg 0


Table 3: Available Capacity(1)(2)(9)


Dawn to

Kirkwall 0

Parkway to

Southwest Delivery Area (SWDA) 0

Niagara Falls / Chippawa to

Union Parkway Belt 0

North Bay Junction to

Enbridge CDA / Union ECDA 0

St. Clair to

Union SWDA

Posted System Segments

FT Capacity (GJ/d) Starting Next Day



Table 4: Available Capacity(1)(2)

Posted Delivery Points for FT-SN(5) Capacity Starting Next Day (GJ/d)

FT-SN Metering Capacity (Subject to Segment Capacity)

 Goreway CDA


 Victoria Square #2 CDA


 Thorold CDA


 Schomberg #2 CDA





(1) TransCanada is not accepting bids for firm service from export points unless otherwise listed in the tables above.  
(2) Earlier start dates may be accommodated. Please contact your Marketing Representative.
(3) Customers and prospective customers are responsible for ensuring sufficient upstream and downstream capacity is available.
(4) Bayhurst 1, Herbert, Richmound, Shackleton, Suffield 2, and Welwyn are also valid receipt points for the delivery points listed in Table 1.
(5) FT-SN may not be available on all paths. Please contact your Marketing Representative if you are interested in bidding on this service. SNB service could be contracted with FT-SN. If you are interested in SNB, please contact your Marketing Representative for more information.
(6) Capacity available to Enbridge EDA, Union EDA, and KPUC only.
(7) For services not listed (STS, MFP & EMB) please contact your Marketing Representative.
(8) The St. Clair - Dawn path is also available with Great Lakes Canada. For Mainline service availability, such as start dates and capacity, please contact your Marketing Representative. Please note that TBO capacity on Great Lakes Pipeline Canada may be required for contracts utilizing the St. Clair to Union SWDA path. TransCanada will seek to procure TBO and notify Service Applicants who have been allocated service that requires capacity on this path.
(9) Capacity from NBJ to Eastern delivery points varies. Please contact your Marketing Representative

(10) FT-NR service is available from Next Day with a termination date of May 31, 2026



Open Season & Bidding Procedure Highlights

  • Bids must be received by TransCanada no later than 8:00 a.m. MT (Calgary time) each business day
  • Term: As directed by Section 4.6 of the TAPs
  • Toll: The posted capacity will be at the CER Approved Mainline Toll
  • System Segment Capacity:
    • Some posted segments share common capacity. A successful bid on one system segment may reduce the capacity on another system segment. Any bids that pertain to common capacity will be evaluated together for allocation purposes.
    • Each capacity segment requested must be on an individual bid form.
  • Conditional Bidding: Mainline capacity bids can be conditioned on another Mainline capacity bid
    • If a Daily Existing Capacity Open Season ("DECOS") bid is conditional on another DECOS bid, if either DECOS bid requires a reduction to the maximum daily quantity, the maximum daily quantity for the other DECOS bid will be reduced by the same percentage.
    • Please submit each set of conditional bids in a separate fax, to provide clarity on which bids are related.
  • Min Acceptable Quantity: May be specified by bidder in the event that prorating capacity is necessary
  • Please refer to the TAPs: Transportation Access Procedures for more information
  • Please refer to the TAPs for information on bid deposit requirements


How to Bid

Service applicants must submit a binding bid via the Paper Version or Electronic Version to TransCanada's Mainline Contracting Department by email at mainline_contracting@tcenergy.com by fax at 1.403.920.2309 and must be received by 8:00 a.m. MT (Calgary time) each business day. All bids received each day will be evaluated together for allocation purposes. The Transportation Contract for the service allocated to the Service Applicant shall be incorporated into and by reference made part of the DECOS Bid Form.


If you have any questions, please contact your Marketing Representative.



Tyler Cook

Phone: 1.403.920.6021

Email: tyler_cook@tcenergy.com


Kevin D'Souza

Phone: 1.403.920.7915

Email: kevin_dsouza@tcenergy.com


Kelsey Johannson

Phone: 1.403.920.5956

Email: kelsey_johannson@tcenergy.com


Vanessa Swick

Phone: 1.403.920.6764

Email: vanessa_swick@tcenergy.com


Goran Miljevic

Phone: 1.403.920.5569

Email: goran_miljevic@tcenergy.com




Amelia Cheung

Phone: 1.416.869.2115

Email: amelia_cheung@tcenergy.com


Rory Black

Phone: 1.416.869.2159

Email: rory_black@tcenergy.com


Chelsea Medcalfe

Phone: 1.416.869.2103

Email: chelsea_medcalfe@tcenergy.com


Lisa Jamieson

Phone: 1.416.869.2171

Email: lisa_jamieson@tcenergy.com


Tim Stringer

Phone: 1.416.869.2177

Email: tim_stringer@tcenergy.com



LINKS to Additional Information:



TransCanada is required to charge the Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), whichever is applicable, on transportation of gas that is consumed in Canada.  The GST is set at 5% while HST is set at 13% in Ontario.

Customers may provide a Declaration which notifies TransCanada that the Customer's FT contract is intended to serve an export market and should be charged 0% GST or 0% HST, on any Unutilized Demand Charges (UDC).

The Declaration Form is available at the following link:

FT GST/HST Declaration Customers may also zero-rate GST or HST on the associated transportation demand, commodity and pressure charges by making a Declaration on the nomination line in NrG Highway.

Please note:

  • Declarations may only take effect on the first day of a month.
  • A Declaration cannot be applied retroactively.
  • A Declaration supersedes previous Contract Declarations.
  • A single Declaration form is used for all of a customer's firm export contracts eligible for zero-rating of UDC.
  • If a Customer zero-rates their nomination but does not execute a Declaration the Customer will be charged 0% GST or 0% HST on their nomination but all associated UDCs will be charged the current applicable GST or HST rate.

Please refer to the following website for additional information on GST/HST regulations and rebates http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/gsthst/

For more information on TransCanada's GST/HST practices, contact Mainline_Contracting@tcenergy.com.